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Goings 6/4/12 (your last Goings 6/4/12 (your last name must be placed in a header—not just at the top of the page; date must be automatically updatable) Format Requirements blank line The report must be a two-page (a minimum), single-spaced memorandum report, with the writer’s signature closing the memo as the last line—not appearing higher than the one shown in this sample. This assignment requires proper use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Proper organization for a point-by-point comparison and contrast paper is also required. Each writer will place his or her last name in the header as shown in the header of this assignment. The writer must also ensure that the date is automatically updatable.
The memo will be prepared using 12-point Times New Roman, with one-inch margins, top, bottom, left, and right (the default margins in Microsoft Word are 1.25-inches). Each memo must include references for at least five difference sources (multiple references from the same web site do not constitute different sources).
Only one reference may be a textbook; one reference must be from a bona fide magazine, journal, or newspaper. There are some web sites that purport their pages as articles, but there is never a journal title associated with the articles—students may not use such “article.” This assignment will be easier to complete if students use ten references.
Students may share references with others, but they should only give an article when they receive another article in return. The due date is June 12—the memo must be presented in class and must be stabled—the memo must also be uploaded to GeorgiaView before class. No late assignments will be considered.
Blank line Students should use journals, magazines, newspapers, Galileo, or any other method to locate up-to-date material. Students may not copy a single phrase from the works they use—using direct quotations is not allowed. The following uses a direct quotation: Chaney and Martin (2006, p. 20) aptly emphasize a major difference between how business people operate in the United States and those in Japan, “Although it is permissible in the United States to glance at a business card and place it in a pocket, this practice is not universally accepted around the world. In countries like Japan, for example, the examination of the business card is done with great deliberation. The Japanese will examine the card carefully for clues to hierarchy within the firm and will make a comment about your position with the company or ask a question about some other information on the card before putting it away.” Instead of using direct quotations, each student should read the material, highlighting or underlining, if necessary, to remember important items. Then he or she should close the resource and paraphrase the content well enough to tell the reader what was learned.
Blank line References and Citations blank line Students must document this memorandum report. Undocumented secondary research is a clear violation of the honor code and constitutes plagiarism. Each time writers mention something they did not know prior to conducting the research, they are required to document or tell where they learned the information. If a student were to use, for example, information from ExecutivePlanet that people expect business men in South Africa and Peru to wear tuxedoes for formal dinner parties, while business men in China are not expected to wear tuxedoes, he would need to use the following citation (Chen, 2007; Peru, 2007, Victor, 2007). That citation would lead readers to the three references for the sites used to obtain the information. Readers could then affirm the writer’s reasoning by locating the original work. Blank line The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) will serve as the style manual for documenta-tion purposes—APA style parenthetical citations and references are required.
Lehman and Dufrene (2012) supply details on APA style. Students may also use any definitive reference for APA style—no other style is allowed. Numerous on-line resources guide writer on the use of APA style; one such site is Research and Documentation Online by Diana Hacker (n.d.).
Blank line Usually, writers will not use the name(s) of authors in their text, but rather in citations. If an author is extremely well known, however, his or her name may add strength to the position taken by the writer; and the author’s name can be part of the text, with only the date of publication in the citation, for example: Lesikar (1991) indicates....
When several resources refer to the same concept, writers should combine citations (Ewald & Burnett, 1997; Guffey, 1997). Blank line Conclusion blank line Students are expected to have a proper conclusion section, which must contain a restatement of the problem, content rich summary sentences for each major section, a concluding statement telling what was learned, and a recommendation for further action. This section will be discussed in class so students will understand its proper construction. Finally, students will make three individual appointments to revise the memo with the instructor.
Blank line blank line blank line Douglas A. Goings Goings 6/4/12 (your last name must be placed in a header—not just at the top of the page; date must be automatically updatable) References (this heading is centered and is never called Works Cited or Bibliography in APA style) blank line Chaney, L. H., & Martin, J. Global business customs and etiquette. OfficePRO, 18-21.
Blank line Chen, P. Retrieved January 7, 2008, from blank line Goings, D.
A., & Williams, A. Local area networks. In Al Williams (Ed).
Communication and Technology: Today and Tomorrow (pp. Denton, TX: Association for Business Communication. Blank line Guffey, M. Business communication: Process and product (5 th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western. Blank line Hacker, D. Research and documentation online.
Retrieved September 1, 2003, from social_sciences/intext.html blank line Lehman, C., & Dufrene, D. Business communication (15th ed.). Mason, OH: blank line Lehman, C., & Dufrene, D. BCOM 3 (2011-2012 ed.).
Mason, OH: South-Western. Pyrolator Ausland Rar Download. Blank line Locker, K. Formats for letters and memos. Business and Administrative Communication (pp.
Boston, MA: Irwin McGraw-Hill. Blank line Ober, S. Work-team communication. Contemporary Business Communication (5 th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Blank line Peru.
Retrieved January 7, 2008, from blank line Ulijn, J. M., Lincke, A., & Karakaya, Y. Non-face-to-face international business negotiation: How is national culture reflected in this medium. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 44(2), 126-137. Dio: 10.1116 blank line Victor, N. South Africa. Retrieved January 7, 2008, from Africa.