I • Ivan • dWBj • 03 Jan 2013 For those who have lag issues with the ICS I have the solution. Download on your computer the official sony software named sony pc companion. Upgrade your sola using pc companion and follow the instructions. Once you have finished the upgrade turn on your phone.

If it lags then shut. It down, connect again your phone on your pc and start again the sony companion software and click on repair button and follow the instructions. Adeko 9 Crack Serial Numbers.

Now the phone will run smoothly now as well as mine! For those who already have the ICS and experiencing lags just do the last step that I wrote above.

I hope I helped. Have a nice day and enjoy your sola!!

Update Center Xperia Sola

• Rating 0 • •. S • Semsem • fuZH • 02 Jan 2013 i've bout sola for about two month ago, i have troubling issue with the internet operation as following: once i turn on the data connection, it's not more 10 minutes and the connection stopped and the phone do idle however the signl strength indicator still the same. To resolve this i must restart the phone of refresh the network connection. Alos i got sometimes some blind spots in the screen that can't be operated untill restarting the device alos. The problem of the internet repeated typically with my friend who has just bought SOLA.

Really disappointing. The warranty center just reinstalled the software and has nothing to do otherwise!!!!

Hello everyone – some exciting news We’ve started rolling out* a new software update for Xperia U, Xperia go and Xperia sola that brings bug fixes and. Download the latest Windows drivers for XPERIA sola Driver. Drivers Update tool checks your computer for old drivers and update it. Get latest XPERIA sola Driver driver!

Update Center Xperia Sola

• Rating 0 • •. J 28 4 • • LImx • 02 Jan 2013 Hello Frnds, Plz any1 can help me???

I m little confuce between Sola and Xperia J, Plz. Hi, you should base your decision in 5 points.

1)memory 2)video recording 3)secondary camera 4)cpu and 5)battery. My xperia sola is working very well, only the battery is an important issue. I think a modern phone should record at least 720p videos nowadays. I do not need the front camera and I must say a dual core cpu makes a difference comparing to a single 1GHz core. I would choose the xperia sola again.

The battery on the xperia J seems to me the only advantage, however a very important one. • Rating 0 • •. J • james • LEYJ • 02 Jan 2013 Hello Frnds, Plz any1 can help me??? I m little confuce between Sola and Xperia J, Plz.

You should base your decision in 1)internal memory 2) video recording 3)secondary camera 4)single/dual core and 5)battery. My xperia sola runs very well, but I have big battery issues. I do not need a front camera. Dual core makes a difference. 720p video recording is normal nowadays. So looking at the xperia J only the battery capacity seems to be a a big factor against the sola. • Rating 0 • •. Simon Patrick Luthier Serial Number more.

E • Edward • SsV} • 01 Jan 2013 I was really excited to see the update for the Sony Xperia Sola so I rushed and updated and I.