• Introduction This is a proposal for a C++ class to handle simple serial communications, which means send and receive some bytes, and control the state of serial communication signals. In many cases, what one needs is to be able to communicate by a serial port to certain devices or electronic circuits. As simplicity is the main goal in this class, it is developed for synchronous read and write operation instead of overlapped ones and also assuming that there is no hardware (or software) flow control so the communications signals can be freely controlled. Pioneer Ddj Sb Virtual Dj 8 Mapping Download. If you need an event driven serial communication (overlapped read/write, signals changes controlled by even, etc.) you can look in this site for the article Using the code To use the class CSerialPort you must call CSerialPort::Open then does read or write operation, set or test the state of communications signals and closes the port once finished (not mandatory because the destructor does it).

Termie opens a serial port and allows you to communicate with it in a chat-like interface.

Simple Serial

The read and write methods make no assumption about type and format of data send or received, you must take into account if you are handling a character or binary format, if there is Unicode, mbcs, etc. The open function if defined as follows: virtual BOOL Open(LPCTSTR PortName, DWORD BaudRate, BYTE ByteSize, BYTE Parity, BYTE StopBits, DWORD DesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE); There is no assumption about communication parameters because they are specific to each serial communication and must be known in order to establish a successful communication. Even, if the most frequent name of serial ports are “COM1:” to “COM4:”, there can be more than 4 serial ports in a machine and the serial driver is not forced to follow the “COMxx” name convention so a serial port can have any name in Win32 platforms. It would be a good idea to have a static function to obtain the names of installed serial ports but, as far as I know, there is not a documented way to do that. There is a simple way to know about installed ports: assuming that ports names follow the “COMxx:” convention they try to open all possible ports and if there is an error and GetLastError() returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND then the port isn’t installed.

There is another way to know installed ports names and it is searching in registry but it is undocumented and platform depend. With article there is a simple sample of using the mentioned class, the example is a program that reads bar codes from a serial bar code reader. Normally bar code readers send the read bar code ended by carriage return and line feed characters (this can be configured and even could be different for specific manufacturer) and the code is an ASCII string. There is a class ( CBarCodeReader ) derived from CSerialPort that encapsulate the described protocol and its read method returns the read bar code (if any) directly in an string. There is not much more to say, the rest is in the code and it is simple (at least should be:-) ) Remarks Remember that this is a simple instead of complete way of using serial devices.

The proposed code can be used in Win32 Platforms and Windows CE versions. Pocket PC developers (I didn’t try others Windows CE versions) must take into account that manufacturers can have specific implementations of serial APIs (as other APIs). Even if it is true that such implementations must agree to Pocket PC implementation, I have found small differences from one device to another. For instance: in a Dell Axim Pocket PC device the signal CD must be externally supplied (the voltage present) in order to read or do any operation with serial port, there is no function errors if you try without that signal on, but you won’t obtain any result. I have tried the same in Compaq iPAQs and it is possible to read without any specific external signal on (as should be). LoadSFSU 28-Sep-06 16:35 28-Sep-06 16:35 I am interning at a company and they have asked me to retrieve temperature and humidity from a new therm.

Chamber they just bought, with a Watlow Series F4S/D controller. We have added a RS232(serial port) onto the machine. I have checked the (Data communication referemce) and it help me understand more about the communication information between the controller and the RS232 and what programs to use. But I was looking for more of an example to work off. Oziexplorer Torrent French more. The code I proposed in this article is very trivial and could be not suitable for applications that need immediate response when data arrives (real-time applications, for instance).

If your application's constraints allow it you can decrease the timer delay in order to query the port more frequently. Another solution is using a worker thread to query the port continually. Those solutions could interfere in the overall performance of your application but sometimes the performance penalty it is not so big. While this code can be easily adapted to supports Win32 Serial Events is better to use a library that was already designed with it in mind. In the article you can find a library that could helps you. If your problems persist you can contact me to see if I can help you.

As an Electronic Engineer I've worked with many languages and for some diferents plattforms including desktop and embedded systems. My natural envirovment is C/C++, but I've worked with Java, C# and hardware oriented languages (VHDL, Verilog). I really like programing and always I'm looking for some ideas to development. I add to the opensource philosophy do I try to share my knowledge with other people. Now I am developing embedded systems for nuclear industries in the Argentina most important technology Company.