This content is part of the series: OAuth 2.0 clients in Java programming, Part 2 Stay tuned for additional content in this series. OAuth is an open standard for authorization that lets clients obtain access to protected server resources on behalf of a resource owner. The resource owner could be a different client or the end user. OAuth also helps end users authorize third-party access to their server resources without having to share their credentials, such as user names and passwords. Microsoft Office Communicator Portable Cd.

This series of articles adheres to the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework outlined in RFC6749. The complete OAuth 2.0 authorization framework as outlined under RFC 6749 can be found at the Internet Engineering Task Force website. The authorization grant The authorization grant is a credential that represents the resource owner's authorization that can be used to access a protected resource.

This credential is used by the client to obtain an access token, and this access token is eventually sent along with the request to access a protected resource. OAuth 2.0 defines four grant types: • Authorization code • Implicit • Resource owner password credentials • Client credentials This four-part article series takes you through the implementation of an OAuth 2.0 client in Java™ programming using each of the grant types listed above. In this second part, I explain how to implement the client credentials grant. The article describes this grant in detail and explains the sample client code that you can use to interface with any OAuth 2.0-compliant server supporting this grant. By the end of the article you should have a complete understanding of the client implementation and be ready to download the sample client code for your own testing. Client credentials grant In this grant, a confidential client can request an access token from the authorization server using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication such as a public/private key pair).

It is assumed that the client is requesting access to protected resources that are under its own control (client is the resource owner). The flow illustrated in Figure 1 includes the following steps: (A) The OAuth 2.0 client authenticates with the authorization server using its client credentials and requests for the access token from the token endpoint (B) The authorization server authenticates the OAuth 2.0 client and validates the client credentials. Bridge Baron 19 Keygen Idm. If valid, the authorization server issues an access token.

Client credentials flow.

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