Instructions For Monopoly World Edition PiecesInstructions For Monopoly World Edition Pieces

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I know there's several other versions of Monopoly on this site already, but none (that I am aware of) that are world editions. This project is based on the official Monopoly world edition.

To make the playing experience more interesting, I have made the world landmarks out of Lego. So what does this project feature? Here's a list: • 7 Lego tokens ranging from animals to robot heads (see the image below). • Colour-coded money system, avoiding down language barriers, a critical part of any Lego set in my opinion. • Separate bank with the facility to hold all the money, as well as all the title deeds, dice, tokens and houses/hotels • 360 Degree swivel ability - turn the board to face you when it's your turn and avoid having to reach over the board and knock pieces over! Take a look at the pictures and don't forget to support me!

Information about Monopoly Here and Now - The World Edition, published in 2008 by Hasbro, and find out what cities were added to the board.

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