LA Drama Drums is a meticulously recorded and seamless combination of multi-sampled single hits as well as audio loops. We are so excited to bring you LA Drama Drums (LADD) – a complete modern orchestral percussion library comprised of multi-sampled strikes (up to 16 round robin) and audio loops (each loop having 12 stem mixes!). LADD provides a modern solution to scoring cinematic percussion, production and sound design. Meticulously recorded from the ground up, LADD was designed to save you time and make you sound great! We have already done all the hard programming and production work for you so that you can simply load patches and instantly play varying and compelling mixes and sequences with key-switches. Because of the real-time flexibility of it’s engine, we like to think of LADD as “the cure for the common loop.” Beyond that, LADD also behaves like a traditional multi sampled percussion library affording you total control of your sound and programming.

Or get the best of both worlds trigger cool sequences and mixes and add your own multi-sampled hits on top in real-time. A partial list of LADD’s main features: • Multi-sampled single strikes and audio loops designed to play together.

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• Multiple mixes (Dry, Stage, Verb, Full) of the single strikes with up to 16 round-robins. Kasturi Serial 2 Episode Video. • 12 mixes (phase accurate mix stems) of all audio loops (designed to be layered or played independently). • Unparalleled real-time control of production-ready mixes with simple key switches - no more time wasted on “searching for a different sound!” • Pre-produced tracks that you can easily alter in real-time. • A simple “Main Page” interface giving you access to the most needed controls.

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• Instantly switch between 12 mixes – ranging from traditional to techno and sound design (and everything in between!). • 8 sequences (each with up to 12 tracks, totalling 96 tracks) that are already programmed for you. • Record your own sequences on all 8 sequences in real-time or with a mouse. • Ride filters in real-time and choose from 5 Step-Filter Tables in real-time. Dizzee Rascal Boy Da Corner Rar. • Easily tune any note up to +/- 3 octaves and also give each note independent tuning randomization.

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• Build your own Key FX maps that allow you to alter your patches in new and creative ways with a single key-switch. • The real-time playable sequencer dynamics. • The ability to load tons of audio loops with a low RAM footprint. • Controllable Swing amount with varying options. • Input quantize (lock to your DAW or in standalone).

• Unique humanization features. • Morph-able mastering effects preset chains.